
Magical Mind Massage Workshop

🌊✨ Relaxing, Mystical and Fun Guided Visualization Meditation Workshop

Are you ready to:

  • Relax Your Mind
  • Tap Into A Magical World
  • Allow Good Feelings To Flow In
  • Rejuvenate Your Body
  • Connect With  Your Inner Harmony


Join us for a guided meditation workshop where you’ll clear and revitalize  your energy centers,  discover your personal inner treasures through a vivid and powerful guided  imagery meditation.


What to Expect:


🧘 Guided Visualization
 Begin your journey on a serene location in nature. Smell the refreshing  air, feel the warmth of the sun, and let the power of nature relax you into peaceful contentment.

🚶‍♀️ Imaginary World Exploration: Walk along a magical path leading to a beautiful stream, enter a door to another dimension, and find yourself in the mystical land , filled with vibrant colors, and a profound sense of connection.

🌟 Deep Relaxation: Allow your awareness to expand, letting go of all thoughts and worries. Experience a blissful state of relaxation as you float through your internal journey, feeling lighter and freer with each step as you allow good feelings to flow in.

✨ Rejuvenation: Immerse yourself in a magical pool of silvery water, feeling all your aches melt away. Giving you a renewed sense of vitality and mystical joy.

💫 Sacred Encounters: Meet wise and benevolent beings, who will guide you, help you,  offer gifts of wisdom and self-awareness.


Why Attend?

This workshop is a unique opportunity to embark on an mystical magical internal journey that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and at peace. Whether you’re new to guided meditation or have experience, this session will provide powerful tools and insights to enhance your well-being.

Don’t miss this chance to connect deeply with yourself and unlock the magic within. Reserve your spot now and step into a world of serenity and transformation.  Space is limited so reserve now!



What you will get –

Feeling of connection with all that is, insight, inspiration or answers to your current challenges. Energetic clearing  with beliefs that keep you stuck. Practice with tapping into higher dimensions to connect with your spiritual support group.


Event Details:

📅 Date: Monday September 9, 2024
⏰ Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
📍 Location: In Person – Radiant Healing Center  – 5290 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder,  CO 80303


WHAT TO BRING: Your curiousity, questions, open mindedness, and wear comfortable clothing, and warm socks.

                                                   FREE Event, donations for hosting and facilitation welcomed!


🔗 To Register:

Email – or Text – 720-415-5907

How to Tap Into Higher Dimensions Practice and Healing Class

Start 2022 in creating a new uplifting pattern that rewrites old conditioned programs. Those programs that keep you stuck from living your purpose and passion.

This new pattern is about playing and PRACTICING on how to tap into the higher dimensions. It is about harmonizing with the energy of like minded people who want to see the truth of who we are, what we are and our purpose.


A great quote from Law of Attraction Abraham describes class-

“Source is there for everyone at all times. We are always there. And so when you are aware of the presence of Source and when you are not offering a vibration that prevents you from your alignment with Source, then you have those wonderful moments. And you can do that all the time. And people refer to those who are doing that as masters. But all of you can do that. It is the mastery of focus. That is what it is.”


What you will get –

Feeling of connection with all that is, insight, inspiration or answers to your current challenges. Energetic clearing of subconscious beliefs that keep you stuck. Practice with tapping into higher dimensions to connect with your spirit support group.

What it is –

My intention is to create a small group (Limited #) of like minded people who are on a spiritual path of self growth. Who want to be reminded and to practice the truth of who and what we really are. People who are interested in learning and experiencing more of their true soul purpose. This will be a safe, non judgmental, leave your ego’s at home gathering.

It is in person gathering and we begin with a group intention for the evening. There is power in groups! The intention might include getting an answer or inspiration to a challenge you are struggling with or possibly being shown what is keeping you stuck. We can decide on the intention as a group but each person will get their unique answer from spirit.

There will be a short discussion or questions on one selected topic. A topic might include: what is true forgiveness? What is Ego? What is Enlightenment. What happens after our bodies die?

Each gathering I will facilitate one or more healing exercise to assist in raising our vibration to connect with high vibration energies – Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides, and/or Masters.

Some of the exercises include:

Ancient chakra meditations, Guided meditations, Sound healing with crystal bowls and singing bowls, EFT Tapping, Breathing exercises, Group Past Life Exploration, and Energy Medicine exercises to balance chakras and meridians.

This is an on going class

drop in when you can!


WHEN – Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month
April 5th, April 19th etc…

TIME: 6:30pm – 8pm

LOCATION: In Person – 612 Green Mountain Drive, Erie, CO 80516

WHAT TO BRING: Your curiousity, questions, open mindedness, and wear comfortable clothing, and warm socks.

FREE event, donations for hosting and facilitation welcomed!

To Register-

Text or Call – 508-561-8935


Past Life Workshop

A Past Life workshop is an opportunity to experience a transformation to change and grow. Participants are guided in transporting their awareness beyond time and space to access soul memories and spiritual guidance.

Next Workshop To Be Announced…


Imagine having a new awareness, new insight into your own mind and behavior.  Gain an understanding in how you relate to others, Gain mastery over your thoughts with a new confidence in your abilities.  Discovering a life lesson your soul created.


Experience and utilize all stages of trance from relaxation to deep theta brain wave

Communication between the conscious and unconscious

Total conscious recall of what you experienced during the session

Understanding of how your past lives affect your current situation


People who want to transform their toxic lifestyle or habits

Clear emotional stress or chronic physical issues

Understand difficult relationships

Want to connect with their spiritual guide to receive guidance and direction

People who are curious to possible causes of the blocks in their growth to sustainable happiness

It is for people who have never experienced Regression Therapy and it is for those who have experience but want more answers.

Curious to discover the life lessons your soul created.


Communicate with your spirit guide and higher self

Enhance your intuitive psychic abilities

Improve self esteem and confidence

Get motivated to achieve more

Relieve Physical pain


One story was with a woman who saw herself as an elderly Japanese man living in the 19th century. Through the story that unfolded for her during the session she was left with a transformation of the way she saw herself. Instead of someone who struggled with depression in her current life, she gained an understanding that depression was something she had taken on in her present lifetime that was not a part of her soul self. Her depression was like a coat she had chosen to wear in order to learn a lesson. She gained an understanding, knowing that the coat can be removed and the coat is not her because she could remove it or let it go. Her soul chose to experience sadness to experience what if felt like, but she got an understanding she did not need to identify with the sadness.

FEE: $30