Akashic Reading


What The Akashic Records Are-

The Akashic Records have been known since Jesus’s day.  It has been referred to as Gods Book of Rememberances, and in the Bible, Jesus called it The Book of Life.

Akasha is sanskrit meaning ether or primary substance -that which all things are formed.

The Akashic Records act as a giant computer data base storing every thought and action created by each soul.  Every experience is encoded in the Akashic Records from the inception of the soul through out all life times until the soul goes back to the God head or divine.


How The Akashic Work- 

The recording of every thought, desire, deed, and action or experience creates an energetic vibration.  This vibration produces a mark upon the skein of space and time and is permanently identified with the individual responsible.   Although this may sound like New Age mysticism, science is finding evidence.  Dr. Ervin Laszlo Ph.D in 2004 published his book “Science and the Akashic Field”.  This illuminating book discusses the scientific evidence of the existence of  the energetic field that connects everything in the universe.


Why An Akashic Reading Is Important

Accessing the Akashic Records is important for personal growth through our Free Will, we can direct our life instead of our life directing us.  Through accessing a Record an individual’s innate gifts and talents can be viewed so the potentials and possibilities can be realized and direct attention and strategies can be placed in reaching one’s potential.  In addition, an individual can choose to avoid the pitfalls of arrogance or over indulgence which leads to bigger separation  in lasting fulfillment.  Each person has free will to align themselves with their high ideals and focus their skills and talents to achieve their goals.   As many of our problems come from giving energy to self critism, worry and inner fears, we have the choice to direct our attention to what is most beneficial for our growth and living a fulfilling life.  It is not always easy or straight forward achieving our highest ideal because our previous incarnations or past lives have a strong unconscious influence on our personality, character, desires, urges, habits and preferences.

Accessing the Akashic Records allows a  person to come to a greater realization of what the: creative force, god, or the divine, has in store for them in this experience, this sojourn on earth.  Ultimately the purpose of each lifetime is to enable the soul to become more in tune with its divine origins. We are hear to learn to love ourselves as our Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides do.


Purpose of Akashic Records

The purpose of the Akashic Records is to keep track of and assist with the soul’s personal growth and transformation.  

Much can be revealed to us by accessing information from the Akashic Records, the universe’s computer database. We gain insight, guidance and understanding by tuning into the vibration of the Akashic Records.  When the records are accessed, our awareness, our mind and heart, is effected by its vibration and we become ‘enlightened’ by ’it’.  Akashic Record readings by Edgar Cayce suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, deeds and interactions with the rest of creation.  


Benefits of Akashic Record Reading

Akashic Records contain the information of what you came to accomplish, lessons to learn in your current incarnation or life.  Discovering your life lesson is a tremendous help as it assists you in recognizing your patterns and direction. Knowing your life lesson eliminates the trial and error of trying to figure it out while attending the school, called life.


In Person Reading –

With an Akashic Reading you will participate in a healing journey which starts with clearing and attuning your invisible energies with energy medicine exercises lead by Lynda.  You will lie comfortably on a FDA registered medical device- the BioMat which radiates Far Infrared light and Negative Ions. While you relax on the BioMat, Lynda will connect with your Guardian Angel who will guide the way to the Akashic Records.

Over The Phone or Video –

You will be given the number or link to connect to and Lynda will give instructions on the procedure of the reading.  Please make sure you are not disturbed by people or pets  during the call.  The reading will begin with Lynda saying  a short prayer followed by connecting with your guardian angel.

As instructed by your Guardian Angel the most appropriate record will be pulled and shown to Lynda.  Lynda will tell you what is shown in each record, usually filled with specific events and people from another life.   The information given, provides a better interpretation of latent and/or expressed skills and gifts as well as patterns such as stubbornness or leadership abilities.  An Akashic Reading is a resource to gain insight, guidance and understanding of your true self not the conditioned personality we think of as our true self.  When the records are accessed, your mind and heart, your awareness is effected by the light of the records and you become ‘enlightened’ by the information. During a reading you experience yourself from the perspective of the Akashic Records consciousness. The information is transmitted to you through words and when registered by your consciousness it causes a shift and opening up, which allows a healing to occur at the appropriate level – mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. The healing can take many forms including releasing unhealthy habits, and/or sabotaging thoughts, or an awareness of disempowering patterns.


 Healing with Akashic Reading – 

An Akashic Reading allows us to see ourselves as we are seen, known and loved by our Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides, Teachers and loved ones.  When we see our purity during a reading, it is a truth  that is vibrationally experienced, and this knowing becomes the first step in healing.  With this healing, we begin to restore ourselves to our original purity and integrity.  Information from the records is related through words and when the energy of the words is registered by the individual’s consciousness it causes a shift, an opening up which allows a healing to occur at the appropriate level – mental, physical or spiritual.  The healing can take many forms including releasing unhealthy habits, sabotaging thoughts and choose thoughts that enrich the individual’s life.  When the Akashic Records are opened, peace, love, and light surface and surround, infusing the individual with the high vibrational light of the Akashic Records.  Lower vibrational energies namely anger, fear, despair, resentment are transmuted to higher quicker energies which is expressed in the unique manner for the individual’s happiness, freedom and joy.

When we view our true essence from Akashic Records we see our eternal wholeness, wellness and goodness and the stories going on in our lives- poor health, financial struggles, relationship concerns are how the stories are assisting us on the path to our own divinity, true essence.  It is about getting our attention to those parts of ourselves that are not in alignment with our true essence.  We are divine beings having a human experience.  Akashic Records shed light on this truth so we remember and resonate with it internally.  The healing is in part understanding our experiences are lessons to get our attention to learn to love ourselves and others.

Lynda is amazing and changed my life. I was skeptical the regression session would help me but it did! I had a lot of anxiety and a fear of flying that was lifted from me, I have a new understanding a real miracle.
B. Hassell


Heals problamatic relationships by understanding what went wrong and finding the solution.

Clears and heals trauma through viewing the suffering as a whole from the perspective of the higher self and reliving the event with an o pen heart for a different outcome.

Contacting and connecting innate creativiy – Discovering creative talents and attributes used in different past lives so that they can be brought forward to be utilzed in current life.

Experiencing you are a spirit with specific attributes, talents, and skills. The regression allows a person to gain an understanding of why they have certain passions, talents, and concerns which can be applied on a daily basis for a more balanced enjoyable life.

Testimonal – This Could Be You!

“I feel I have more clarity on who I am after the reading. I feel stronger as I had an understanding of why I kept attracting the same type of person in my life. Instead of blaming myself for doing the same thing over and over I have a perspective and can forgive it.  Knowing you has changed my life in such remarkable ways.”  Rachel Ames, NH

“I really did not know whether I should leave my job and start working on my own. The reading really helped me see myself differently so I was confident on what I needed to do.  Thank you, it was exactly what I needed and did not know it!  Kevin Jackson, MA



What To Expect from an Akashic Record Reading –

We will go over a questionnaire to get to know various areas of your life and your immediate concerns. When an area of concern is clarified your exploration session will be designed around your desired focus.  The exploration or regression process is very gentle and simple.  You will become very relaxed as I guide you to let go of your stress and tension and invite you to open your mind. You don’t have to “do” anything, as you relax your consciousness will expand and the thoughts/visions or feelings will come to you. The process is enjoyable and feels good as you tap into your imagination. Your imagination is the bridge to your subconscious…where all your memories…the memories of your true ‘self’ are stored.

Akashic Record Reading Session – $175.00

CLICK ON Book An Appointment to schedule or for FREE Discovery Session or call: 720-415-5907 or Email- RHealingCenter@gmail.com