Past Life Exploration is based on the principle that we are in reality spiritual beings with eternal souls on a human journey. We reincarnate on this plane to evolve our souls. Our ambition to evolve is to become fully conscious and capable as unique expressions of all that is.
Within our subconscious lies all our memories including those from past incarnations. Although we do not remember our past lives, they contain an energetic charge that assists in shaping who we are for better or worse.
Lynda received her Past Life Exploration Certification from the Academy for Professional Hypnosis Training as well as Brian Weiss, and studied Henry Leo Bolduc and Ursula Demarmels.
Experiencing Past Life Exploration is important because it gives you a “knowing” of WHO you are, WHAT you are (spiritual being having a human experience) and HOW you serve. It is a short cut to understand the spiritual lessons you are here to learn for your evolutionary growth. Past Life Exploration gives you the perspective needed to overcome any of your current challenges whether it be repeating dysfunctional relationship patterns or healing phobias.
Lynda is amazing and changed my life. I was skeptical the regression session would help me but it did! I had a lot of anxiety and a fear of flying that was lifted from me, I have a new understanding a real miracle.
B. Hassell
Heals problamatic relationships by understanding what went wrong and finding the solution.
Clears and heals trauma through viewing the suffering as a whole from the perspective of the higher self and reliving the event with an o pen heart for a different outcome.
Contacting and connecting innate creativiy – Discovering creative talents and attributes used in different past lives so that they can be brought forward to be utilzed in current life.
Experiencing you are a spirit with specific attributes, talents, and skills. The regression allows a person to gain an understanding of why they have certain passions, talents, and concerns which can be applied on a daily basis for a more balanced enjoyable life.
Janet was a 35 year old woman unable to sleep through the night and found herself able to get at most 4 – 5 hours of sleep every night. She was left feeling drained and tired every day. She found herself irritable and very easily overwhelmed effecting her relationship with her husband and jeopardizing her work. She had gone to her primary doctor for prescription sleep medication but found that she still was not getting a restful sleep and instead was waking up feeling groggy and unable to think clearly for most of the day. She came to me as a last resort in finding out what could be going on. What she discovered in her Past Life session was remarkable.
She immediately saw herself as a soldier during the Ming Dynasty. She lived in the Emperor’s palace and had the noble responsibility of guarding the Emperor. Her personality as the soldier was someone who took their job extremely seriously and held a lot of pride in this role as protector because he knew it was a great honor. It was a job that enveloped his being so there was no room for lightness or joy. As a soldier he learned how to endure great hardship and pain as well as maintain sustained focus.
When my client went to the time of her passing in that life time she recounted how warriors came in to the bed chamber and murdered her while sleep. Before his death, as the protector to the Emperor, he was conscious of having the thought that he did a great dishonor to himself and the emperor. He took his failure in protecting the emperor to heart. Janet had held onto the notion that if she slept she would be a failure and be murdered. After the session was complete, Janet became aware of the similar characteristics she shared with the soldier.
She noticed similar to the soldier she was able to endure great hardship, had a high level of sustained focus, and an over all seriousness when she did projects or tasks. Her projects were never fun or enjoyable just something that needed to get done and done perfectly. When followed up with her a week later she expressed deep appreciation because after years of sleep depravation she was finally getting 7 hours of sleep and waking up feeling refreshed. She was seeing a deep positive impact it had on her marriage as well as her relationships at work.
Janet was a 35 year old woman unable to sleep through the night and found herself able to get at most 4 – 5 hours of sleep every night. She was left feeling drained and tired every day. She found herself irritable and very easily overwhelmed effecting her relationship with her husband and jeopardizing her work. She had gone to her primary doctor for prescription sleep medication but found that she still was not getting a restful sleep and instead was waking up feeling groggy and unable to think clearly for most of the day. She came to me as a last resort in finding out what could be going on. What she discovered in her Past Life session was remarkable.
She immediately saw herself as a soldier during the Ming Dynasty. She lived in the Emperor’s palace and had the noble responsibility of guarding the Emperor. Her personality as the soldier was someone who took their job extremely seriously and held a lot of pride in this role as protector because he knew it was a great honor. It was a job that enveloped his being so there was no room for lightness or joy. As a soldier he learned how to endure great hardship and pain as well as maintain sustained focus.
When Janet went to the time of her passing in that life time she recounted how warriors came in to the bed chamber and murdered her while sleep. Before his death, as the protector to the Emperor, he was conscious of having the thought that he did a great dishonor to himself and the emperor. He took his failure in protecting the emperor to heart. Janet had held onto the notion that if she slept she would be a failure and be murdered. After the session was complete, Janet became aware of the similar characteristics she shared with the soldier.
She noticed similar to the soldier she was able to endure great hardship, had a high level of sustained focus, and an over all seriousness when she did projects or tasks. Janet seemed revitalized bubbling with new ideas for how she could change things in her life with doing more of her photography, taking walks in the woods and visiting her friends more. She decided to change her attitude about her projects so they would be more enjoyable instead of something that needed to get done and done perfectly. When I followed up with her a week later she expressed a deep appreciation because after years of sleep depravation she was finally getting 7 hours of sleep and waking up feeling refreshed. She was seeing a deep positive impact it had on her marriage as well as her relationships at work.
We will go over a questionnaire to get to know various areas of your life and your immediate concerns. When an area of concern is clarified your exploration session will be designed around your desired focus. The exploration or regression process is very gentle and simple. You will become very relaxed as I guide you to let go of your stress and tension and invite you to open your mind. You don’t have to “do” anything, as you relax your consciousness will expand and the thoughts/visions or feelings will come to you. The process is enjoyable and feels good as you tap into your imagination. Your imagination is the bridge to your subconscious…where all your memories…the memories of your true ‘self’ are stored.
With Past Life Exploration Therapy you are able to access blocked memories or information which can be linked to submerged emotions. These submerged emotions usually have a connection to this life time. In this highly relaxed state of consciousness, you’ll be able to speak, hear and move. You are in control at all times, and can emerge from your alternated state of consciousness at any time. In this high state of consciousness, information will come in, in ways that are particular/unique to you. You may see pictures, have a knowing, hear words or feel the events. However you perceive the information is perfect for you.
After the past life exploration and life review are complete, we will explore how the session tied in with your intention. Remember the spiritual self determines what is best for us to know and access in every healing session. What ever comes up during a session is always perfect and appropriate because our spiritual self knows what is best for our spiritual growth. We do not receive any more than we can handle, and do not necessarily receive what we are looking for. We’ll explore the implications of any memories that surfaced and the correlations and impact on your present-day life. We’ll look at how to use this information and awareness to move forward in your current lifetime.
Over the next few weeks, more information may “show up” for you. The information might show up in your dreams or a sudden flash of insight. You may experience a profound understanding of your true nature- your existence as a spiritual being. Along with these flashes of insight, may come a deeper understanding of your life, your relationships, your challenges and your purpose. You may gain profound wisdom about the nature of existence, your personal journey and our collective journeys as soul(s).
Call 508-561-8935 to discover if you could benefit from a short cut to a happy vital life We are in this profession to facilitate your healing and achieve your desired goals.