07 Nov Your Emotional Triggers Are Helping You
Emotional triggers can feel very upsetting, but did you know they can actually be helpful and a gift?
In this post I’ll cover what triggers are, steps to dissolve triggers, uncover wounds and find alignment.
- Do you desire support toward more self awareness to uncover the source of your emotional triggers?
- Do you want to find relief from your emotional pain?
- Do you struggle with staying in the present moment?
- Do you have a desire to discover the facets of your true divine self?
- Do you want to connect your thoughts with your feelings?
Any of this resonating? Then keep reading
Triggers are Unconscious
Has anyone accused you of something wrong and was really mean about it? It created a strong emotional reaction and you wanted to explode in a torrent of angry words? You reacted with incoherent words filled with emotion or you shut down completely? You held back because you didn’t want to explode in a knee jerk reaction. What you really wanted didn’t
happen. You did NOT respond in an authentic clear, empowered way.
When we get triggered this high energetic charge is coming from an unconscious place. It is not your fault you get triggered.
What would your life be like if you were able to respond in an authentic and empowered manner? Not reacting emotionally with vindictive anger? What would it be like if you could control and end the triggers?
It is possible if you take the necessary steps.
Steps to Dissolving Triggers
First you want to discover where the emotionally charged patterns (wounds getting poked) come from.
These emotional wounds most likely originated from your family of origin. A deeper look would point to the origin coming from a previous life time. Reincarnation is the belief we have been born into other lifetimes before this current one. It is the idea that our past lives are active within our present one. Knowledge about a past life gives us the opportunity to align with our true self, enhance our gifts, learn lessons, and heal wounds or patterns. In each lifetime, we are given the opportunity to tackle challenging lessons to help our growth and evolution. Re-establishing our wounds in this lifetime is part of the plan to help us heal and evolve.
The Three Major Wounds
Not Feeling Worthy
There are three major wounds which are created in different ways. The first common wound ‘Not Feeling Worthy’ gets created when you are emotionally or physically, abandoned – you feel rejected, so you do not feel worthy of those dreams and desires that would bring joy and fulfillment. If you have this wound you take steps to attract love and to belong by trying to please others. You take everything personally—everything you hear is about you. This may manifest as extreme sensitivity or paranoia: “How does this relate to me?” The not feeling worthy stops you from even trying to fulfill your dreams.
Not Feeling Good Enough
A second common wound – Not Feeling Good Enough is created when parents shame or humiliate their children. In many instances parents or caregivers use shame to control their children’s behavior. Some common phrases are: What were you thinking?’ or ‘I can’t believe you just did that?’
Sound familiar?
Adults with this wound are always striving for success and hard work. They are over achievers or often perpetual students with lots of degrees. If you have this wound you keep trying because you’re good but not good enough. You often set up achievements that don’t get acknowledged. If you received acknowledgement the belief would be contradicted. You are always looking to better yourself—enough is never enough. Future-orientated—always rushing ahead.
I Am Powerless
A third frequent wound is ‘I Am Powerless’ which gets created when a family member betrays you or lies to you because they feel you can not handle the truth. An example would be: your parents knowingly allowed another family member (or friend) to abuse you because they didn’t want to cause problems with the perpetrator. If you have this wound you might define yourself by accruing symbols of power (big black cars, gold chains, etc). Often people with this unconscious wound appear very powerful. Once symbols are obtained, the game becomes how to keep them (because you are powerless). A common characteristic from this wound is being angry.
Feeling Like Victim Is A Wound
Feeling like a victim comes from the ‘I am Powerless’ wound. Many times the person sets up circumstances to be a victim. Blaming others for what happens to you. “It’s not fair.” The strategy of the victim is to get saved by the person with the power. Assigning the power outside of yourself—“I can’t do it. It’s not my fault.” Are common thoughts.
Feeling like a victim is not your fault.
Our Wounds Are A Gift
Although wounds feel terrible, these emotional wounds are actually a gift. A gift because they are showing what is hidden below the surface in the unconscious. Once the emotional wound becomes obvious (surfaces) we have the choice to heal it. Healing our triggers allow us to embrace our true authentic divine selves.
Benefits of Aligning with Authentic Self
The benefits of aligning with your authentic self brings greater self-confidence.
- You like yourself, trust your judgement
- Make better choices
- Work with your unique set of skills and talents
- You naturally inspire others as they see you living in your truth
- When you live in alignment with your authentic self your natural habits include taking care of yourself
- You gravitate to eating healthy foods
- Have a natural desire to exercise
- You feel calmer
- Less conflicted
- Generally happier
- When you are aligned with your true authentic self, dealing with stress is easier, you are more resilient with the ups and downs of life.
- Being authentic leads to healthier, happier, more fulfilling relationships because you are not 100% attached to the role you are playing with in the relationship. The role of wife, mother, employee or your job title.
- You are straightforward about who you are and what you value, without fear of being judged.
- You’re also better at maintaining boundaries
- Less judgmental of yourself, partner, colleagues and friends
And ultimately, living an authentic life means that when you come to the end of your natural life, there aren’t any regrets!
Harm From Not Aligning with Authentic Self
Not aligning with your authentic self has physical and emotional consequences.
Suppressing your authentic voice is one of the main cause of physical and emotional issues. Some of these conditions include: thyroid problems, anger issue (and fallout from the anger) social and general anxiety, and OCD.
How to Dissolve Emotional Triggers
The solution to healing and dissolving your emotional triggers is by aligning yourself with your true authentic self. With our chaotic world and getting continually triggered it can be a challenging venture. If you are ready, there is a proven healing process to dissolve your triggers and bring inner peace and confidence.
Essential Steps to Dissolve Triggers
In my lengthy experience as a counselor and healer, I have noticed essential steps must be taken to dissolve the triggers and align with your authentic self. The first step is to discover the origin of the trigger or wound. The second step to heal the trigger/wound is to become the observer.
After discovering the origin of the trigger, you begin by becoming the compassionate witness. You observe what happens within you when you get triggered by your partner or friend. Once you are able to detach and witness the impact the trigger has, it loses its power over you. Then there is space and you miraculously have choices on what you want to think and feel. Once you make a choice you repeat the process: observing, choosing the the thought and feeling to reprogram and dissolve the trigger. It takes practice.
How to Get Started
There is a unique process called Be You, Be Free, Healing and Coaching Program. This process dissolves triggers so you find your inner peace and confidence. The process uses: Self Exploration Exercises, Past Life Regression, Higher Consciousness Guidance, and Self Growth Coaching.
If you want to dive deeper to find out more about how to dissolve your triggers and get peace of mind.
Click here to Schedule a Higher Self Discovery session ‘Book an Appointment’ or Email RHealingCenter@gmail.com or text – 508-561-8935 and set up your FREE Higher Self Discovery session.
This discovery call will give you clarity on how you can start responding from a more authentic and empowered place and watch your triggers dissolve.
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